Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Chapter 5 reading Response

1. A word to describe Mrs.Watson is serious. For Example when Byron's lips got stuck to the windshield she said "what about hot water" because she really cared about his lips being stuck to the windshield and she didn't just want to pull him off like that. While Mr.Watson was just laughing.

2. A word to describe Mr.Watson is funny. Because when everybody was in the house he said "

3. Not much. Because Mr.Watson is funny. I think he would make a good dad if he wasn't so funny most of the time. So sometimes he should be serious with most things.And Mrs.Watson is likely always serious about things. For example when she found out Byron was still playing with matches she said she was going to burn

4. If I was Mrs.Watson I would have put him on punishment until he forgot there was a such thing called fire and I would be checking on him every second to make sure he wasn't doing something he wasn't suppose to be doing.

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